Get to know the everyday impact that CPP has on communities.

“Oh, I love [the program]... I don't get like frustrated anymore. Before I used to scream a lot. And then when I start taking the program, [my husband] noticed that I was like changing the way I am. It helped him a lot too.”
— Parent
“More programs like this would be really great. Not just for me, but the other moms said it too. It really helped out a lot.”
— Parent
“I really enjoyed this program. The group leaders were great instructing this program by examples and having fun with it. The whole group was a fun group and I'm really going to miss this group.”
— Parent
“I have to put myself in a four year old mind. That is something I also learned - your child is still a child regardless of what the situation is and you have to sometimes bring yourself down to that level. Try to understand. So, at first he was an angry person and wake up with an attitude. But everything I've learned in these classes has changed him. He's opening up to me more, he's communicating, he's happier. It's really overwhelming because at first I didn't think it was really going to have as much of an effect as it has, but it really helped.”
— Parent
“Before [my son] was very aggressive, with everybody and with me... Like he would throw all the toys, make a big mess. You know he wasn't respecting me... now he's working and everything...he tells me he loves me a lot... and he's sleeping by himself...And the teachers say he's doing better.”
— Parent
“Doctors gave me ideas, none of them worked, not even the medication… the things I learned in these couple of weeks, I wish I would’ve learned when he first started therapy.”
— Parent
“As a parent, sometimes you feel like you’re the only one that’s going through a lot of stuff. But when we hear other parents talk about their kids and the stuff they’re going through, you know, it don’t make you feel alone. So it has really, really helped me.”
— CPP Parent
“There’s no other word I could give you other than thankful. You know, thank you. Thank you for thinking of the program, thank you for being intelligent enough to say that we want to get this information to parents who may not know. Thank you for coming to the inner city cause I can’t get out. All I can say is thank you because whoever it was that started it, whoever it was that thought it up, whoever it was that said let’s move forward with this, thank you. Because the information that you had most definitely benefitted me and my family.”
— CPP Grandparent
"I just wanted to say thank you to the CPP program for helping me these past few months with my parenting skills. I was going through so much before I entered the program. I lost my children's father who I was with since the 6th grade to an overdose… because of this program I've learned so many skills to help them on the daily basis become better people, to cope with the loss of their father in different ways, and also how to be there for them like I never was before. I want to say thank you to the program for my amazing experience and if there is an opportunity for another program I [will] jump at it, at any cost. Thank you.”
— CPP Parent
“This was an excellent opportunity for [our] community. The group in the CPP class became a small family and built bounds that would last a lifetime. It was great to get to know one another's parenting styles and support and encourage each other to be better parents. After this program, our kids will get a better version of us as parents.”
— CPP Parent
“I plan to continue to use each of the skills taught through this CPP class. I’m truly thankful for this class, that someday my kids will pass onto their kids and future generations to come. In our group we had a great time of laughter and a strong group of support for one another. The instructors were phenomenal at teaching each lesson with grace and understanding. I recommend CPP to every parent around the world. I truly thank you for this opportunity!”
— CPP Parent
“The program is the best thing that could have happened to me.”
— CPP Parent
“I think it’s made me a better parent.”
— CPP Parent

“The CPP has been an extremely useful adjunct to my work with preschoolers and their families. It is very user-friendly, well received by parents and caregivers, and it gets great results!”
— Joyce Harrison, MD, child psychiatrist, Kennedy-Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
“Parents have evaluated both the content and format of the program very favorably. They find the strategies taught in the program really helpful as they encounter new parenting challenges with each development change in their child.”
— Sharon Tucker, PhD, RN, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
“I snuck into the group a couple of times and it was such a warm and rich environment and I said I hope it stays like that...It was beautiful.”
— Head Start Site Director
“Even though [the parent] doesn't see it, we see the improvement. [Her son] has learned to talk so much quieter — it is really an improvement.”
— Teacher
“I’ve heard the parent participated [in CPP] and during that school year that child’s teacher didn’t have any problems with that child. Like I would see that child, I was oh my goodness, he has changed.”
— Pre-K Teacher
“I noticed [the parent] was more confident and began to stick with what she said to her child, which helped to improve her child’s behavior in class.”
— Teacher
“This is one of the programs I’ve seen to be the most successful.”
— Executive Director, Baltimore public school
“CPP builds positive, healthy relationships between the school and parents. So parents know they’re not alone. It’s a solution.”
— Principal
“Watching the changes in parents and their children over the 12 weeks was very exciting. For many, it was the first time they felt empowered to try new strategies and were amazed when they actually worked!”
— Mental Health Clinician

Group Leaders
"Being a CPP group leader means the world to me. I feel like I'm really making a difference in the lives of parents and children. I would have been a part of this team without compensation... Being a group leader has been a tremendous help on my job, as I am the parent coordinator and [it] aided me in school when I was taking a group process class. This experience has truly enhanced my knowledge base. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to have worked with these families. This program alone won't change anyone. We give them the tools for change and it's left up to them to make the choice for change.”
— Parent Coordinator, Chicago, IL
"When [parents] saw the vignettes, they said "Hey, that happens to my kid all the time!" They sensed that they weren't alone in their problems and that's how they got comfortable."
— Chicago Parent Program Co-Facilitator
“The parents in the group were engaged and never wanted the groups to end. Many parents would come to the group and admit that they did not believe the strategies would work with their children, but agreed to try. The following week the parents were always surprised at how well their children would respond when the parent would practice the strategies at home. There are so many other wonderful things that I can say about CPP, but the best is seeing and hearing the growth in parents that were able to stick with the program for 12 weeks. I look forward to continuing facilitating CPP to many more parents.”
— CPP Group Leader